8 Mar 2020 by Lana Jackson

Purchase your tickets today through TeamApp for the 2020 Wrestling Banquet scheduled for Friday, March 27, from 7-9 p.m. at Hillside Christian Church.

Outstanding Wrestler, varsity letters, and other awards will be given. The Plaza will cater.

Ticket costs are as follows:
- Senior AHS wrestler, FREE ticket
- AHS Coach, FREE ticket
- AHS wrestler, $10
- AHS wrestler (2nd, 3rd, etc. in family), $5
- Date, $20
- Parent, Grandparent, Guest, etc., $20

Purchase your ticket(s) by logging into the TeamApp – Amarillo High Wrestling:
1. Click the “EVENTS” icon
2. Click on event, “2020 Wrestling Banquet”
3. Read/Scroll to the bottom and click the blue link “Purchase tickets”
4. Select the correct type of ticket
5. Add the correct number of tickets using the “+” or “-”
6. For FREE tickets (senior or coach), you must fill in the name of the senior/coach
8. Click “checkout”
9. Enter your debit or credit card details
10. Click “purchase”

Upon completing your purchase, you will receive an emailed receipt (if you added your email when your signed up for TeamApp). In addition, you can access your tickets by clicking on the event “2020 Wrestling Banquet” under the EVENTS icon.

ALL banquet tickets MUST be purchased through the TeamApp by March 24 in order to get an accurate count for the caterer.

If you have difficulty purchasing tickets, please TEXT Lana Jackson, 806-676-1722.


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